Frequently Asked Questions
How much does it cost to be a member?
Nothing. Absolutely free.
Why should you join us?
NXG is a guild of web3 gamers. As a member, you can know that someone will be playing the game you’ve invested in. There will be a wealth of information on the games you’re playing and also the opportunity to explore new ones that you haven’t heard of. Guild members will also be able to earn discounted/free web3 items from the guild bank.
How do Guild Points work?
NXG will be hosting events where you can earn points simply by showing up and playing games. The NXG team will also give points to players at their discretion to members who further the guild’s goals or demonstrate our values by promoting positivity and helping your fellow guild mates.
What makes us different from other guilds?
NXG isn’t focused on one game; we are always looking to find and play new and exciting web3 games that are fun and show promise. Our Guild Point system and Guild Bank rewards members based on how much involvement they devote to the guild.
How often do we have events?
We will be having them as often as we can! For now the aim is to have daily events, but as our members grow we will be looking for members to promote to Gamemaster that we trust to run events to increase the frequency.
What are you looking for in a guild member?
In short, real gamers that are active and fun to play with. A guild is made by its members, and we want our guild to be a place that is fun, positive, and full of people to call friends.
Can I only be in NxG?
No, you are welcome to join other guilds. We believe it’s important to make friends with other guilds, and even have partnerships with some already. We believe we can all win together.