Event: Movie Night Thursday's with Duck Race

Watch your favourite movies from the NXG fireplace. Quiz is back. This week's top winner of NXG points from Duck Race will be awarded: 1ST PLACE- 500 X Amount of People who Joined playnxg.gg Event. 2ND PLACE- 200 X Amount of People who Joined playnxg.gg Event. 3RD PLACE- 50 X Amount of People who Joined playnxg.gg Event. Any person watching the movie will be awarded 250 guild points as well entry to duck race much watch 95% and 1st 2nd and 3rd place will be announce later in announcements. At that time guild points will be given.


2025-01-09 22:00:00

Event Attendees

Guild MemberPointsComment
Agent00Zani22501st place
AfroThunderCat12502nd and 3rd